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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dare to Believe

Everybody Knows:
You can't be all things to all people.
You can't do all things at once.
You can't do all things equally well.
You can't do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's.

You have to find out who you are, and be that.
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.

You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live with your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due.
And you'll be a most vital mortal.

Dare To Believe:
That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it's more than a right, it's your duty, to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish.
And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.

~ Author Unknown

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 9:39 PM

Secret .

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


If you send this to just one person, it should make it all the way
around the world by Mother's Day.

This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's okay honey, Mommy's here." Who have sat in rocking chairs for hours on end soothing crying babies who can't be comforted.

This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers in their purse.

For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who DON'T.

This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll never see. And the mothers who took those babies and gave them homes.

This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections are hanging on their refrigerator doors. And for all the mothers who froze their buns on metal bleachers at football or soccer games instead of watching from the warmth of their cars, so that when their kids asked, "Did you see me, Mom?" they could say, "Of course, I wouldn't have missed it for the world," and mean it.

This is for all the mothers who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair when they stomp their feet and scream for ice cream before dinner. And for all the mothers who count to ten instead, but realize how child abuse happens.

This is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about making babies. And for all the grandmothers who wanted to, but just couldn't find the words.

This is for all the mothers who go hungry, so their children can eat. For all the mothers who read "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night for a year. And then read it again. "Just one more time "

This is for all the mothers who taught their children to tie their shoelaces before they started school. And for all the mothers who opted for Velcro instead.

This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to sink a jump shot.

This is for every mother whose head turns automatically when a little voice calls "Mom?" in a crowd, even though they know their own offspring are at home -- or even away at college.

This is for all the mothers who sent their kids to school with stomach aches assuring them they'd be just FINE once they got there, only to get calls from the school nurse an hour later asking them to please pick them up. Right away!

This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can't find the words to reach them.

This is for all the step-mothers who raised another woman's child or children, and gave their time, attention, and love... sometimes totally unappreciated!

For all the mothers who bite their lips until they bleed when their 14 year olds dye their hair green.

For all the mothers of the victims of recent school shootings, and the mothers of those who did the shooting.

For the mothers of the survivors, and the mothers who sat in front of their TVs in horror, hugging their child who just came home from school, safely.

This is for all the mothers who taught their children to be peaceful, and now pray they come home safely from a war.

What makes a good Mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner, and sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time?

Or is it in her heart? Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time?

The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to crib at 2 A.M. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby? The panic, years later, that comes again at 2 A.M. when you just want to hear their key in the door and know they are safe again in your home? Or the need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a fire, a car accident, a child dying?

The emotions of motherhood are universal and so our thoughts are for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and sleep deprivation... And mature mothers learning to let go. For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers. Single mothers and married mothers. Mothers with money, mothers without. This is for you all. For all of us. Hang in there. In the end we can only do the best we can. Tell them every day that we love them. And pray.

Please pass along to all the Moms in your life. "Home is what catches you when you fall - and we all fall." Please pass this on to a wonderful mother you know.

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 7:28 PM

Secret .

Women Are Wonderful

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and
laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up for injustice.
They don't take "NO" for an answer when
they believe there is a better solution.
They go without new shoes so their children can have them.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when
their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth
or a new marriage.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they
are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how
much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!
Women do more than just give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.


With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 7:26 PM

Secret .

Friday, May 06, 2005

Bunny Pokey

You put your bunny ears in,
You put your bunny ears out,
You put your bunny ears in,
And you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny-Pokey,
And you hop yourself around-
That's what it's all about!

You put your bunny nose in,
You put your bunny nose out,
You put your bunny nose in,
And you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny-Pokey,
And you hop yourself around-
That's what it's all about!

You put your bunny tail in,
You put your bunny tail out,
You put your bunny tail in,
And you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny-Pokey,
And you hop yourself around-
That's what it's all about!

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 3:39 PM

Secret .


Friendship is like a flower and grows from a seed,
That is planted in hearts with a mutual need.
Love is nurtured by trust...as a rose by rain,
It puts forth its fragrance...through its joy and its pain.

Unlike the pretty rose which through time will decay,
The flower of friendship grows sweeter everyday.
Its perfume I savor 'cause true friends are so few,
I'm so thankful to have a friend as true as you.

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 3:38 PM

Secret .



My friend...we have not known each other very long,
But I do know that our friendship can not be wrong.
God brings people into our lives for a reason,
To help each other...to be friends for all seasons.

Friends are a gift from God...they are a real treasure,
And friends bring into our lives so much true pleasure.
You are a friend so very true and very rare,
I will cherish your friendship as our lives we share.

Friends do care for each other to the very end,
Love...care...respect...honesty...that makes a true friend.
You are worth so much...your friendship I would not sell,
You truly are my very own...Friendly Angel

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 3:37 PM

Secret .


You'll always be in my heart every day,
No matter what you ever do or say.
That will not ever change...just look at me...
You'll see my love shining...it'll always be.

You ask nothing of me...nothing but love,
I ask for love like God gives from above.
We don't ask much...but we give much...that's true,
We are making happy memories too.

You and I create a real sense of worth,
In our own garden of heaven on earth.
We let each other be free...free to grow...
In a loving friendship we truly know.

My Dear...there's no commitment that we've made,
But you always know...the truth will not fade.
The truth is...that you're my forever friend,
I gave you my heart...we're friends to the end.


With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 3:37 PM

Secret .


When we met...we were strangers...you and I,
I've found a friend...as true blue as the sky.
In heaven...I hope we meet...my dear friend,
Because true friendship...never...ever ends.

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 3:36 PM

Secret .


There are many treasures in life...we recognize so few,
There is power and money with which to buy things brand new.
But yet...you can be wealthy and you can feel regal too,
You just have to strive to look for the treasures within you.

All the treasures in this life really are not hard to find,
Just look so very deep in your heart...your soul...and your mind.
You truly need to be willing to share what is within,
When you do these things...your search for riches will surely end.

The joy and the laughter...along with the smile that you bring,
And then the heart will be unafraid to love and to sing.
There is always a hand willing to help others in need,
There are those ready to reach out...to labor and to feed.

Thank you so much for sharing your great gifts that are inside,
For your caring...your cheering...the hug for the one who cried.
You give of your energy...lots of encouragement too,
Most of all...thanks for sharing the treasures that are in you.

With Lots Of Love From CUTE DREAMER at 3:33 PM

Secret .

The Whisperer

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JJ Lin Jun Jie
Jay Chou Jie Lun
Wu Zun




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